Dedicate a Memorial Bench, Fountain Or a Memorial Plaque

Dedicating a Garden Bench,Fountain or Memorial Plaque, in honour of a loved one or a special occasion, helps enhance Cowichan District Hospital and helps fund medical equipment and patient care.

Donate now

Commemorative Gifts

Cowichan District Hospital has benefited greatly from the generosity of residents and visitors who have chosen to make commemorative gifts.

Garden Benches, Modular Tables, Tree Planters and Fountains have been installed at Cowichan District Hospital to the left and right of the main entrance. This comfortable space is being funded with memorial donations and sponsorships for some of the main pieces.

For more information, please contact the office at 250-701-0399.

Donation Benefits

A tax receipt will be issued to you for your gift

Custom cast bronze plaque prominently displayed

This is a high profile location, to the left and right of the main entrance to the Hospital

Memorial Options

Please contact the Foundation Office (250-701-0399) for more information and/or to order a commemorative plaque.